Conference Presentations/Online Lectures


Look At Me When I’m Talking to You: Reclaiming #metoo Narratives Through the Choreographic Process

2020 National Dance Education Organization (Online Conference)

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Healing Minds, Moving Bodies: Measuring the Mental Health Effects of Online Dance Classes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

2020 Mid-Atlantic Teaching Artists’ Retreat (Online Conference)

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Lecture/Demonstration: Teaching and Creative Methods during COVID-19

Virginia Tech Moss Arts Center Lecture Series: “In the Moment: Artists and their Work” (July 2020)



Establishing Safety and Agency for Dancers with Rachel Rugh

Be En Pointe Podcast


Research in Dance Education | Healing Minds, Moving Bodies: Measuring the Effects of Online Dance During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Frontiers in Neuroscience | Dance on the Brain: Enhancing Intra- and Inter-brain Synchrony

Journal of Dance Education | Necessity Fuels Creativity: Adapting Long-Distance Collaborative Methods for the Classroom